Yeah....we don't get it either.

ComC Gallery
Sketchbook images by the ComC gurus themselves!
Some old some new but all so good!!


Group Hug ICP
Krupp Pursey
Squidly Didly-o's Volta
Wrench Richard Stilg-o's
Wrench on Ice Knife Fight
Jouley in the Cafe Volta in a Scarf

Bomba Ed-ouley


Link to us! You are powerless to resist!

You love us.... you told us so.

Ever wanted to know which ComC character you were most like?? Really? Hands?...
Well here you go anyway! Take the Quiz! It's free and you're bored!!...
Click here to take the quiz...Click it!!!!

Finally open to the general public, it's our Cafepress shop! Thought you were a fan before? Now you can sport our trendy ComC stuff, featuring art
by Kae!
Clicky Here!

coming soon

Games and Contests!
Memorable Counter Hits:

Our counter keeps rising and rising! If you are the lucky surfer who hits the counter on one of these memorable numbers, take a screen grab of the counter and email it to us! You'll win a spiffy illustration of the ComC character of your choice by either Kae or Webpuppy!
Numbers to look out for:

5500 6969 7500 Unclaimed
8472 11,150 14,500
25,000 50,000 90,210

Send Entries to:

The Macy Grey Award!
Given to sites that are "Finger Lickin' Good"!
The Macy Grey award is brought to you by FAVORITISM! Yes, friends,
FAVORITISM! Light, delicious, thousands of uses! Get some today, if you can!


Pearl's Domain Belle's Domain Joule's Domain Dakota's Ridge
